Sunday, August 17, 2008


The incidence of asbestos lung cancer is one in ten lakh persons. As far as western countries are concerned the incidence is slightly high. The incidence of this disease is 7 – 40 in ten lakhs persons. The reason for the increased incidence in western countries is nothing but the industrialization.

As far as United States of America is concerned the mesothelioma incidence reached 15 people out of ten lakh persons in the year 2004.

The men are more prone for mesothelioma however this disease condition can be noticed women too. The risk of mesothelioma increases as the age increases but the disease can make its appearances at any age.

As far the part of the body is concerned the peritoneum are highly susceptible as nearly one third of the mesothelioma are found to be seen in peritoneum.

The Risk Factors

As discussed earlier the asbestos exposure is the major risk factor. This doesn’t imply that the person who are not at all exposed to asbestos are not be bothered by this dangerous disease condition.

Yes, there are reports of mesothelioma in those who were not at all having any connection to asbestos either directly and indirectly.

Mesothelioma can also be triggered by other substances such as irradiation, erionite [fibrous silicate], and thorium dioxide but the incidences are very rare.

The common mesothelioma symptoms include weight loss, chest pain, diarrhea, constipation, cough, difficult in breathing, etc. Symptoms of the asbestos lung cancer vary according to the types of mesothelioma.

Radiotherapy is one of the best mesothelioma treatment options. These mesothelioma tumors are resistant to radiation, but radio therapy helps to mitigate the symptoms such a blood vessel obstruction.

Radio therapy along with chemotherapy can be attemptedfor mesothelioma diagnosis. Knowing the mesothelioma information will definitely help you to prevent the mesothelioma condition.

The asbestos lung cancer affected victims can seek an opinion from a reputed mesothelioma attorneys.Although they are charging huge amount as fees, you can confirm them that you would pay after getting mesothelioma compensation.

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Introduction to Yoga

Introduction Yoga' means not only contemplation but also communion and yoking all powers of the body, mind and soul to God. It is a very ancient and efficient system of disciplines and controls designed to produce the integration of the body, mind and spirit. It also achieves higher states of awareness and self-realization by methodical efforts to attain perfection. The therapeutic benefits obtained by performing the asanas are well known. The circulation of the blood is improved; tensions can be removed, and a feeling of well-being is induced. The muscles are strengthened, nerves soothed and physical endurance is increased. One important aspect is that blood vessels and nerves for the internal organs are "massaged" by the twists and bending, ensuring proper functioning. Ageing bodies can have fewer aches and pains, stiffening of joints can be healed and depression alleviated. 1. Hatha Yoga Concerned, primarily with the body and the asanas. 2. Bhakti Yoga Path of love and devotion. 3. Mantra Yoga Recitation and repetition of words and verses. 4. Karma Yoga Service through action and work. 5. Jnana Yoga The intellectual path. 6. Raja Yoga Synthesis of Bhakti, Karma and Janan. 7. Laya Yoga The secret path, the 'Yoga of Dissolution'. What is Yoga? Yoga is a philosophy brought down diligently through the ages. And, it has acquired more significance now because of the “stressed out” way of life that we live in this fast paced world filled with pressure, anxiety and energy consuming routine. In ancient times, the seven stages of yoga consisted of : 1. Eyama – Good deeds 2. Niyama – Stoping bad habits 3. Asanas – 4. Pranayama – Breathing 5. Pratikaharan – Special diet 6. Dharana / Dyanam – Concentration 7. Samadhi – Submitting oneself to die What we are trying to do here is not drill into your head that it is some kind of an exercise that has to be done. IT is certainly not so because it is just not some form of an exercise or some form of a routine that has to be rigidly followed. It is more of a philosophy and it has to become a part of yourself as much as eating, brushing your teeth, combing your hair or even breathing. And, once it pervades your system there is no way that any thing can take its place. It becomes so much of a second nature to you that you find it difficult to even imagine that how you had lived without it for so long. And this, is no exaggeration – it is the pure and simple truth itself. Yoga Reduces heart beat Charges energy leading to less food requirement Reduces tension Leads to calm and composure Exercise Enhances heart beat Discharges energy leading to increased food requirement Increases tension Gives went to aggression